
The beheading coach scanned the faces of the shaky monks and revealed a radian. "I have some food for you in the right mountain forest. Come here immediately after eating. If you don’t come back, you will never come back. Go!"

Hua! The words sound just fell and all the monks here rushed out with heavy coffins and rushed towards the

Continue readingThe beheading coach scanned the faces of the shaky monks and revealed a radian. "I have some food for you in the right mountain forest. Come here immediately after eating. If you don’t come back, you will never come back. Go!"

"Playing the ghost?" Wind giant face a heavy anger way "Chu Gong you don’t respect too much in, although it’s not an aboveboard person, but it’s definitely not that kind of rat."

Chu Yun smell speech smile apologetically at once "actually, I didn’t mean that. I was wondering if the ghost dresser

Continue reading"Playing the ghost?" Wind giant face a heavy anger way "Chu Gong you don’t respect too much in, although it’s not an aboveboard person, but it’s definitely not that kind of rat."

The light disappears, the goblin and others immediately fill up the blood volume and recede behind them. Lin Tianxie is also quickly leaving this altar. Just after Lin Tianxie’s five people left, they immediately issued a Luo Da Luo Da sound like a machine.

However, the goblins and others didn’t notice that the altar was responding. Just before Lin Tianxiao wanted to see it,

Continue readingThe light disappears, the goblin and others immediately fill up the blood volume and recede behind them. Lin Tianxie is also quickly leaving this altar. Just after Lin Tianxie’s five people left, they immediately issued a Luo Da Luo Da sound like a machine.

Li Yuhan is very scheming. He came here to ask for this purpose. He wants to see the chip of Gong Sunqi. He wants to see what the mysterious power that has been bothering him. Now he sees it, which surprises Li Yuhan even more. He can’t catch the fluctuation of power, but he can feel it, but he can catch it.

"But my requirement is that you go to high school in the same school as me and Li Lu, and

Continue readingLi Yuhan is very scheming. He came here to ask for this purpose. He wants to see the chip of Gong Sunqi. He wants to see what the mysterious power that has been bothering him. Now he sees it, which surprises Li Yuhan even more. He can’t catch the fluctuation of power, but he can feel it, but he can catch it.

After such a situation, Jin Khan himself had to draw out a part of the limited forces to guard against the military confrontation between the butch army and the butch army in Liaodong.

But in this way, your limited forces will become less. Chapter four hundred and seventeen Tiger and Leopard Army threat

Continue readingAfter such a situation, Jin Khan himself had to draw out a part of the limited forces to guard against the military confrontation between the butch army and the butch army in Liaodong.